3 Down 3 To Go

So today I went up to Bothell to get my 3 merit badges signed off (Cycling, Personal management, Family Life) Those are the last of the required merit badges I need to get my Eagle. I still have 3 Merit Badges that I am RAPIDLY running out of time for. But I will get them done and even if I have to DRAG the scout master to the scout office in Seattle to get him there then...so be it. I need to finish my Electricity MB and my Leatherworking MB and my Traffic Safety MB then I will be FREE from the nagging parents about my eagle project. THEN I just need to get my senior project completed and presented before the end of May rolls around. (I think the end of may I'm not completly sure about it though Don't Quote me on that one) anyway THANK YOU ALL for your help and I will try my best not to let you down. :D

Fleet Ford


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