
Today was Easter Sunday at the Rose Hill ward Sacrament meeting. My mom sang a beautiful song titled "The Man With Many Names". And as you may know if you know my mother when ever we (her children or husband) hear her sing we always get really Emotional. My sisters would always cry when my mom sang because it is so beautiful. I never really got why they would cry because it just sounded like singing to me and it was no big deal. Well today when she was singing I was sitting with the Elison family because there was no room on my familys bench. My mom went up to sing and immediatly I felt the spirit RUSH over me and I almost started to cry when I saw her standing at the podeum. She started singing and that is when I lost it. It was amazing when she was singing. She has a Beautiful voice and I always love hearing her use it. (except when shes yelling at me) but still it is beautiful. She is singing tonight at the fireside at the stake center the same song. I cant wait.

Thanks for stopping by

Fleet Ford


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